
时间:2024-01-28 17:08:41



1、 多问开放式的问题、

Ask open ended questions


It is difficult to connect with someone if you ask them questions that can be answered in two words There is no chance for a connection to develop Instead of asking, “Where do you live?” trying asking “What do you think of your neighborhood?” Instead of “where did you get that shirt?” try “What do you think of the new store in the mall?” The longer you talk, the more chance there is for a connection to grow

2、 找找你们的共同点、

Find things in common


If your potential new friend interned at Credit Suisse, discuss that your brother works in finance If she is all about reality TV, tell her which shows you’re into Friendship is built on commonalities

3 、多聊点感受、

Use emotion words


Sticking to the facts makes a conversation dry and boring You want to capture your new acquaintance’s interest by using emotion words so they can connect with you on a genuine level Instead of going into detail about where you stayed on your trip to London, talk about how anxious you felt when you almost missed your connection Instead of describing how long your commute is, discuss how much you dread that hour of your day

4 、对方让你想起了谁?

Think of who this person reminds you of


If this person reminds you of a friend, someone on TV, or a public figure, tell them, as long as it isn’t insulting, of course People love to hear who others think they look or act like It is flattering that someone thinks about you enough to compare you to someone that they know and like

5 、讲话要有正能量、

Say positive things


Don’t complain or whine about your life or discuss how upset you are by friend or work drama This makes a potential friend wary of getting too close It can seem like you’re always creating drama and negative energy, which is a turn off


1、找共同点、就算你对这个陌生人完全不了解,事实上有一点你是知道的-你知道他们与你共处一室、“So what brings you here?” 你就可以这么问、或是,如果你在你朋友Bob的派队,你就可以问“How do you know Bob?”

2 、赞美他们、大家都喜欢听夸奖自己的美言美语、“What a wonderful dress you’re wearing!”告诉这个人你有多喜欢他(她)的鞋子或是眼镜、在那之后,如果他们只回答说“thank you”,你就可以接着问,类似“Where did you get it?” 或是“What’s it made out of?” 甚至是“Was it expensive?”这些问题非常有用,因为这可以让对方多告诉你一些关于他们的事、

3 、问些关于他们自己的问题、“So what do you do for a living?” 或是“Where are you from originally?”意思是你想知道他们是在哪里出生的、当然,问句能让第一次的`对话更简单一些、如果对方是礼貌的话,他们也会反问你类似的问题,这样一来你就有机会来谈论自己了、

4 、介绍你自己、不要只是说,“Hi, my name is John、” 告诉别人更多关于你自己的`信息、如:“Hi, my name is John I’m a friend of Bob’s from high school We use to have the same math class together、” 这样可能吸引对方的兴趣,会促使他们问你问题或告诉你更多关于他们的信息、

5 、对某事物作评论、如果你没有直接问任何关于对方的问题,你可以说类似“This is a great party” 或“What a lovely house this is、”的话来引导他们说出自己的看法、就算这幢房子或是派对不是他们的,这样的评论听起来也非常舒服容易引起共鸣、就如第一个建议,这些开场白能起到很好的作用因为你和对方有共同之处:你们在互相交谈、


Hang outat the mall

当朋友们hang out,意思是朋友们在一起放轻松并共度欢乐时光、mall(购物中心)是和朋友们玩且聊天的好去处、

Catch some rays

更喜欢户外吧?出门并catch a few rays在沙滩上(享受阳光)、沙滩或公园是和认识的朋友共同享受阳光的好去处、

Enjoy a cup of joe

咖啡馆是和你朋友喝杯joe聊聊天的最佳地点、不过你可不需要一个叫Joe的'朋友!cup of joe只是指一杯咖啡、

Go window-shopping


Shoot some hoops

下一次有人请你去公园并shoot some hoops, 别担心,他们只是想和你打场篮球!

Chow down at a fast-food joint

Chow down 只是指吃、一个fast-food joint 是吃披萨或汉堡的好去处,并且和你的crew(一群朋友)chill out (放松休息)、

Paint the town red!

是周末的时间、该去派对了!和你的朋友一起外出并把整个城镇刷成红色!红色代表着乐趣和刺激、Painting the town red 意思是外出过一个充满乐趣的夜晚、

Caught a flick lately?

如果你的朋友们请你去电影院catch a flick,他们只是想请你去和他们一起看场电影、你并不需要抓什么东西!

Keep itlow-key

有计划和朋友们在家中过一个轻松而安静的夜晚?告诉他们你要过一个low-key的夜晚、这和外出并painting the town red正好相反、

Grab some munchies and hit the road

和朋友一起开车出去玩、别忘了带写爆米花,糖果,或其他的munchies (食物,特别是小吃)!

